We Support The Drive To Raise Funds For Lincroft School

26th November 2013

We have recently completed the supply and installation of a 30 bay modular building into Lincroft Academy School, so when the PTA approached us to see if we would consider supporting their drive to raise funds for the school, we felt we knew the school and the community and we were pleased to assist.

It was nice that the children had been asked what they would most like as 1st Prize in the Grand Christmas Raffle – unsurprisingly they collectively longed for the new iPhone 5c 32GB!

The cost of supplying this ambitious children’s wish was prohibitive for the PTA, so we were pleased to step in to purchase it for them in the spirit of festive goodwill and support for the younger generation looking for best carpet cleaners dublin. The PTA say they are “overwhelmed” by our donation … let’s just hope the lucky winner doesn’t get it confiscated in the New Year for being tempted to use it during their lessons!

How can we help you with your next project?

Image of PBS team