Tiny Acorns grow!

28th October 2016

Tiny Acorns Nursery in Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire have ordered a 12m x 15m 5 bay Clearview nursery unit from us, for delivery in December.

We are adept at tailoring our buildings to customer’s specific needs. This building has an extensive range of pre-school orientated elements designed within it. With a comprehensive kitchen area, sleep area, cloakroom, open plan play space, infant and adult toilet provision and an office … all to the proportions requested… this is going to be a fantastic nursery space.

“Great oaks from little acorns grow” has it’s ancestry in a 14th century proverb, but it is still true today for Little Acorns Nursery, as they expand into their wonderful bespoke new learning space.

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Image of PBS team