Repeat business from Baileygomm Ltd.
5th February 2016

The number of companies coming back to us having been impressed both by our buildings and our service just keeps growing and growing. Baileygomm Ltd are in the business of engineering and construction, so their repeat business is particularly pleasing.
We are delighted to provide Baileygomm with their next building, a pre-owned 10 bay office complex, incorporating 2 large office areas, 2 meeting rooms and an entrance lobby.
This building is to be used as temporary office accommodation at their Northumbria site, and then re purposed within the company at a later date – something which it is so easy to do with a modular building.
We’ve had a nice comment from Helen Geggie, the Administration Manager for Baileygomm:
“Very many thanks for your continued attention on this purchase.It’s been a pleasure doing business with you all again and I thank you for your patience – as you know Pharmaceutical companies are not known for their quick decisions!”
How can we help you with your next project?