Our Company helps the children of Marafa, Kenya
24th January 2019

Our Managing Director was recently staying in a hotel in Abergavenny on business having a meal and got talking to Patrick Jefwa, the head waiter in the restaurant.
Patrick is an amazing man who saves part of his wages each year and then travels back to his home village of Marafa, near Malindi in Kenya and distributes the money he has saved to help the children of his village. With the beneficial conversion rate from pounds to the Kenyan Shilling, the money he distributes goes much further.
Our MD was so impressed with what this man did for his village and for the orphaned and under privileged children that he decided to donate £2,500 to his cause.
Patrick has written to our MD describing how he intends to distribute the donation and will keep us updated with photographs and reports after his visit to the village in March for 4 weeks.
We in turn will share these photographs in a future blog.
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