Norwich Primary have a “Clearview” for their future!

22nd January 2016

“Dear Michael and the Team at Portable Building Sales, I wanted to email and thank you for the fantastic library we now have on our premises and for the way your team conducted themselves during the project and the final build.  

The way they communicated with us and the manner in which they conducted the project was exemplary and I would wholeheartedly endorse your company for any school considering such an addition to their site. 

Our children and staff will love to use this space and I will take photographs tomorrow and send them onto you to show you the finished article. In school terms: A*  Well done !! Kind regards for a fantastic Christmas.”

Jayne Gibbons, Office Manager

We pride ourselves on the quality of both our buildings and of our customer care… and it is heartening for us to be so regularly commended on the reality of  outcomes of our customer centred outlook.

This new Clearview 3 section modular library building is absolutely ideal for Norwich primary Academy’s needs. 

Specially strengthened to take the weight of  all the books around the perimeter, the building and the whole purchase process from the initial order to commissioning has received stunning reviews from the school. 

It does look the business, doesn’t it?

How can we help you with your next project?

Image of PBS team