A training facility for Trackwork Ltd

The classroom unit that you have supplied us was far more superior than we expected.
We were approached through our website by Rob Parkin, the Training Manager for Trackwork Limited in Doncaster, as he required a building which was to be used as a training facility. The building also had to have a male and female toilet, a separate office, a canteen dining room and a store.
Amazingly enough, we had just purchased the exact building the day before and hadn’t even had chance to advertise the building on our website.
Rob and his colleagues visited our site, inspected the building and we explained what element of refurbishment we would carry out to the used building and provided him with a fixed competitive quotation. Rob asked us to hold the building for a few days until he could gain authorisation to purchase it.
Sure enough, Rob placed an order and 3 weeks later we delivered the building onto a corner of a car park area on their site.
Rob and his team were amazed at the level of refurbishment we had provided and receive their first paying customers to be trained in this building in 3 days time.
How can we help you with your next project?